Carb parts have been soaking

in carb cleaner and kerosene, and for the most part are cleaning up ok. Starting with the basics- the fuel line has been straightened. I couldn't free the fuel line front carb banjo bolt from the float chamber lid and broke it. The last shot shows the pieces next to the box to the far right. Damn. Floats themselves are good. After soaking for five days the jets freed up and let me remove them from both carb bodies. The spindles and buterflies are worse than I originally thought. After soaking there is considerable play in the spiundle shafts and bushings and they will need to be replaced. On the top side of the first shot, you can see the dashpot and one of the pistons. This is the only one I have been able to get freed up yet. The other soaks. Also, the cold-start carb attachment bolt is stuck holding the attachment arm, so it soaks as well. The cold-start selenoid (the black cylinder-looking thing in the lower left of the first shot) has been tested( it works) and has been cleaned and painted. The jets and needles look ok but will be replaced (I think) because of the higher compression ratio and reground cam. Needs lots of stuff. The parts list is getting pretty long.

Tangential topic: an interesting survivor:
Incredible. I actually like the color of the exterior,too. Supprising myself. Interior not so much.