Sunday, June 24, 2012

Priming panels and bits

 So the non-industrial smoothing can actually lead to something- mostly more smoothing.  In this episode I have been sanding panels and other assorted bits and finally this has lead to some epoxy primer being applied to those same bits. I used a quart of primer all told which is less than I would have guessed but apparently there is more surface area than I thought.  At least there is some seal now on some of the bare metal against the humidity.

In other news, I did a little online searching and found an address for what I thought might be my chromer.  There were a lot of people with the same name and I found two people, one a junior,(the father and son worked together) who were living at the same location.  So I showed up there Saturday morning and the guess was right.  So I got all of my missing chrome pieces back.  They are obviously not done but now they are not missing and they can be used to check the panel fit.
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  1. Been out of contact for a while, but looks like progress is being made. Who is doing your chroming work?

    We're out in your neck of the woods right now - in Montreal for the Festival du Jazz, though are flying in and out of Boston...

  2. Well, if my current chromer gets back into business, I may still use him. He does good work. If not him, I don't know. Any suggestions?

    I thought that was you flying over. Did you see me wave?

  3. Yeah, you can tell by the bald spot.

  4. I should've stopped by so we could compare baldspots.
